Cognitive Dissonance Series
CONCEPT // A Rorschach test is a series of ink-blot images used to identify a person's psychological state and emotional functioning. I have employed the use of this test in this series to signify insane aspects of the world we live in today. I aim to highlight the forced perspective of reality that the mainstream media, governments, corporate entities and society at large propagate. All while shutting down and censoring any perception that challenges cultural normalities.

Test 01: Safety
REPORT // The subject is displaying discomfort and increased stress levels when being observed and monitored.
Test 02: Authority
REPORT // The subject shows resistance to the police, says they no longer uphold their oath and are used as a corporate gang; employed to suppress freedoms of the public.
Test 03: Medical Freedom
REPORT // The subject shows defiance when we attempt to administer experimental drugs without their informed consent of contents and side-effects.
Test 04: Political Discourse
REPORT // The subject fails to fall in line with the left/right political paradigm, in addition to other extremist symptoms.
Test 05: Competition
REPORT // The subject exhibits weak individuality and instead shows signs of cooperation with the opposition.
Test 06: Profit
REPORT // The subject seems to be offended by the use of the human form as an object of commerce and insists it devalues an inherent divinity.
Test 07: Criminals
REPORT // The subject sympathizes with users of dangerous drugs and doesn't support incarceration of those addicted.
Test 08: Patriotism
REPORT // The subject resists the use of high-tech armament when annihilating the enemy.
Test 09: Representative 
REPORT // The subject shows skepticism of their democratically elected official and doesn't trust anything they say.
Test 10: Economic Growth
REPORT // The subject shows reservations about the implementation of a financial system that relies on infinite growth in a finite environment.

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Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance
